Apr 26, 2011

Twosday Favs 13

So I was excited because I had some pictures I had taken MYSELF to post up here... but I am too lazy to load them on to the computer. Isn't that so lame? Haha.

Fav one: Juice Squeeze. Found in the organic section of our local grocery store, it is a sparkling fruit juice with a delicious flavor! I use the empty glass bottle as my new water bottle! (it works great, unless you try to drink water without letting any air into the bottle- then your mouth gets suctioned to the top. Believe me. I did that once.)

Fav two: UMBRELLAS! They are so fantastic.
Yesterday while the rain beated away at the ground I went out and sang my heart out... quietly because we live in town hehe. But it was so wonderful.

Classic Audrey Hepburn with an umbrella. Love the hair!

Now.... for my favorite picture I found.....















GASP!!!!! Don't you LOVE it? It's like a vintage-Jane Powell- Audrey Hepburn- Jane Austen-Pride and Prejiduce- GORGEOUS- Unexplainable!!!!!!! I adore this picture!!! It's totally perfect for any Jane Austen fan or vintage fan or umbrella fan or any combination of that.

Anyhew, I hope you enjoyed this weeks Twosday Favs! Check back next week for something sweet!

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